Every company must communicate its philosophy internally, to stakeholders and employees in order to maintain credibility and loyalty. A healthy internal communication should clarify company strategy, mission and vision to all employees.

When an organization faces changes, whether organizational structure, within its marketplace or technological, it is confronted with a number of significant unknowns. What is guaranteed however is a high-impact change. Therefore, the company must simultaneously communicate with both stakeholders and employees to maintain credibility. These two groups are at the forefront of change and its smooth implementation. Thus, a company must carefully direct consistent and credible communications to employees based upon a thorough understanding of its current perception base.

At Consulo we offer comprehensive training programmes. Moreover, they are unique because there are never two clients with the same requirements. We focus on content, based on a thorough understanding of participant’s business issues.

That carefully managed perceptions lead to concrete business results, is common knowledge. Less understood is how this takes place. Consulo believes that articulate individual communicators form the cornerstone of any communications program. To help clients develop and deliver powerful, precise messages, Consulo’s team offers a variety of training programs that emphasise the importance of clear and unambiguous speech. Furthermore we help guide company spokespersons to develop non-verbal skills, to ensure the appropriate messages are being delivered during media interviews, presentations and other interpersonal situations.

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